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Job’s Report Reversal or not?

You decide! Today’s jobs announcement as reported by the Establishment Survey (CES) suggests a stark slowdown in new hiring compared to the average trend. Conversely, the Household Survey (CPS) seems to argue a continuum of the job growth story. Unquestionably, the overall employment expansion was stymied from the Government Shutdown. Also, I suspect C-Suite decision

read more Job’s Report Reversal or not?

Retail sales declined significantly in December. Is recession looming?

Retail sales fell -1.2% last month, the worst December of the economic expansion, online sales declined by -3.9%. CNBC, MarketWatch, Reuters, WSJ, NYT, and forecasters inferred and inked grim warnings about the contraction in consumer spending. I decided to take a closer look. Historically, when there’s palpable fear in the air, consumers tighten their belts.

read more Retail sales declined significantly in December. Is recession looming?
20 1stdb 01 Cta Apr 01