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Category: Blog

#PositiveNews Trump or Obama? 201,000 new hires joined the U.S. workforce in August, the 95th consecutive month of job gains.

#PositiveNews Trump or Obama? 201,000 new hires joined the U.S. workforce in August, the 95th consecutive month of job gains. From Septemeber 2010 until today the economy has added 18,914,000 workers; the labor force has grown from 130 million to 149 million. According to the BEA, per capita output is close to $60k per person,

read more #PositiveNews Trump or Obama? 201,000 new hires joined the U.S. workforce in August, the 95th consecutive month of job gains.

#Inflation #Deflation

Consumer price changes, depending on which side you are on, buyer or seller, was both good and bad over the past year. Overall, U.S. inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, rose 2.9%. For energy producers, the 26% rise in gasoline prices was a boost, not so, for drivers. TV manufacturers cratered down a

read more #Inflation #Deflation
20 1stdb 01 Cta Apr 01

Q2-2018 Productivity increased at a 2.9% annual rate, the highest growth rate since Q2-2015.

#PositiveNews Q2-2018 Productivity increased at a 2.9% annual rate, the highest growth rate since Q2-2015. The two most important criteria for economic growth, in my opinion, are employment expansion and productivity. Productivity growth, at 2.9%, stands well above its 1.1% five-year average. Productivity growth measures the average worker’s economic contribution; the higher the productivity the

read more Q2-2018 Productivity increased at a 2.9% annual rate, the highest growth rate since Q2-2015.