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Author: chip

Since this bull market began back in 2009, November has been frequently profitable for shareholders.

The S&P 500 completed its fourth trading session for the month of November near record levels. Since this bull market began back in 2009, November has been frequently profitable for shareholders. Notably, the index has already reached its monthly 1.3% average gain for the entire month. 5.7% was the biggest move back in ’09; the

read more Since this bull market began back in 2009, November has been frequently profitable for shareholders.

S&P 500 Hits Intraday Record High, Why?

#PositiveNews #StocksHitRecordHighs America added 128,000 new hires to the workforce in October, 39k more than economists’ estimates. Stocks are rallying on the report, why? At closer inspection, the real nugget of information appears to be in the revisions (upward) for August and September; both numbers were noticeably above their 12-month average. Recession? invest.1db.com/bls1019hashtag#digitaladvisor

read more S&P 500 Hits Intraday Record High, Why?
20 1stdb 01 Cta Apr 01