Wow! Consumers #trump Covid19 last month by increasing retail spending by a whopping $62.3 billion, month-over-month. Retail sales (ex. food services) after plummeting 17.5% from record levels has quickly rebounded to within 3.7% of that threshold. The increase was a watershed for merchants and a proxy of consumers’ pent-up demand: Sporting goods, hobby, music stores
read more The Great Retail RevivalAuthor: chip
Sam Stovall – Main Street’s Market Savant
When it comes to reading the mercurial stock market tea leaves, I’ve recognized the Maven of Manhattan, Sam Stovall, CFRA Chief Investment Strategist, to be the keenest of all. Mr. Stovall is the patriarch of Sector Investing, meaning that Sam is your go-to guy when it comes to rotating from one industry to the next
read more Sam Stovall – Main Street’s Market SavantFederal Reserve FOMC Statement
Rates to remained anchored near zero through 2022
read more Federal Reserve FOMC StatementStocks & Unemployment: EPS ↓30%, Prices ↑43%
“It’s a recession when your neighbor loses their job; it’s a depression when it is you.” What could possibly go right? For equity investors, everything turned out rosier than expected. From the March 23 low, the S&P 500 has risen 43%, while the employment rate has fallen from 96.4% to 86.7%, with 15 million networkers losing their jobs through
read more Stocks & Unemployment: EPS ↓30%, Prices ↑43%
Smart Americans
Over the past decade, the personal savings rate (PSR) has averaged 7.6%; that is Americans’ have been saving on an after-tax basis just over $1 trillion, until #covid19. In March, folks became increasingly defensive in combating the unknowns associated with the invisible enemy, by instantaneously cutting spending and tightening their belt. The PSR has nearly
read more Smart Americans